Tag Archives: laborday

The Week Ahead: Hello, September

As summer winds down, I’m trying to get a bit more discipline into my days.  One of the things I want to do is get better at marking what’s happening each week, with an intent to, y’know, revisit the things happening.  I thought today sounded like a promising day to start, because I can really ease into it — because surprisingly little is happening, officially, this week.

Out of session and, like me, mourning Ted Kennedy.  Most members are back home relaxing with family, friends, and the strangers they want to vote for them.  Some are holding town hall meetings this week.  If you’re in Arkansas, for instance, you can catch Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln holding three town hall meetings this week.  She’s not been a big fan of a public option so far, and she faces re-election in 2010.  Should be an interesting show.  Check the official home pages of your senators and representative for a schedule of public events, usually listed under press releases.

Many members will also be firing up their pens — and those of their hard-working staff members — to pen “God Bless the Working Man” columns for the Sunday papers next week.  Keep an eye out — should be particularly interesting to hear from those who killed the Employee Free Choice Act this year.

The White House:
President Obama arrived home from vacation yesterday (best story about this is from The Borowitz Report: “Bush Questions Brevity of Obama’s Vacation“).  My question: Did he have to kick Joe Biden out of his chair?

The President has no public events scheduled today, and the lead story at the White House blog is Michelle Obama’s garden.  Joe Biden is meeting with General Ray Odierno today.  One does hope the president might stop by.

Expect a statement at some point on the California wildfires.

Other Events:
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will hold a press conference at 3 p.m. Eastern to discuss Ted Kennedy’s vacant Senate seat.

Wildfires raging in California will likely draw comment from the Interior Secretary and, if my bet is correct, the exterior Secretary of Global Warming, Mr. Gore, about the necessity of better forestry planning and attention to the environment.

The report of outgoing commander of NATO and American forces General Stanley McChrystal will leak widely and kick up more discussion of whether a troop increase is necessary in Afghanistan.  Expect some Democrats to grab this as an issue that seems safer to take a position on than Health Care; expect many Republicans to think the same thing.

Somewhere, expect both Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke to order an expensive bottle of wine, perhaps to share, in celebration over the New York Times’s front page story about how the bank bailouts have made us a $4 billion profit.  With that kind of money, we could’ve bought Spider-Man.