Tag Archives: tarp

Speed Bump: Supreme Court Puts Hold on Chrysler/Fiat Merger

It seems the marriage of Fiat and Chrysler has hit a speed bump (NYT):

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who handles emergency matters arising from the United States Appeals Court for the Second Circuit, issued a stay of the sale, preventing Chrysler and Fiat from completing the transaction immediately.

There’s a slim possibility this could become a serious roadblock to the merger, which was set to conclude at 4 p.m. today after the Second Circuit denied the stay and allowed the expedited path to merger to proceed.  Now, instead, there could be a delay of weeks, as Ginsburg and possibly the full Court decide what to do.

The arguments being made by the pension funds — the Indiana State Teachers’ Retirement Fund, the Indiana State Pension Trust, and the Indiana Major Moves Construction Fund — are pretty interesting and could have wide-ranging consequences, should Ginsburg choose to pass the issue up to the full Court.  The mostly likely argument to get them anywhere, as the Wall Street Journal’s law blog summarizes, is that they’ve had their constitutional rights violated by this deal, because junior creditors were privileged over senior lenders in Treasury’s deal.  The funds might have standing to argue that, but will need to prove existing, specific harm.

The trickier charge, and the one that makes me more uneasy, is this:

The United States Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”), purporting to  utilize powers conferred upon it by the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“TARP”) established under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, 12 U.S.C. 5201 (“EESA”), will have been permitted to structure and finance the reorganization of Chrysler without any judicial review of its authority to do so (the Bankruptcy Court incorrectly disposed of the issues by deciding that Appellants lacked standing);

Full text of the Pensioners’ Application is here, in PDF.  I’m not uneasy because I think that’s a bad charge — rather, it certainly seems like it’s true.  TARP hasn’t undergone any significant judicial review, and it seems like, if challenged, the authority of Treasury and the Fed to intervene in rescuing companies like G.M. and Chrysler, particularly when their decisions have involved the kind of leverage that comes close to outright threats, could crumble.  Beyond that, my faith in the lawyers at Treasury in particular is pretty thin, so I’m not sure I believe that they drew this up in an unassailable way.

I don’t think the Constitution prohibits the government from intervening in business in the U.S.  But I can certainly see how the current methods, which have at times felt slap-dash, might be unraveled by the Court.  Is that for the better?  I don’t know.  I don’t completely buy anymore the argument that Chrysler needs to be turned around in 30 days to survive, though I do believe that its workers will suffer more and harder for each day that the merger is delayed.

I’m actually hoping Eric Holder will have to issue a statement about this.  In fact, I find myself suddenly wishing that Holder was part of that Auto Task Force surrounding the president last week.

Should Treasury Bail Out Califonia?

CaliforniaThis may come as quite the shocker, but California has bigger problems right now than its wayward Miss USA contestant.  The treasurer of the State of California has asked U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to use TARP to guarantee the state’s debts.

California faces a budget shortfall of $13 billion next year.  There’s a state constitutional amendment that says California must always balance its budget, and the state got into a DEFCON-1 fight this year because no one will raise taxes.  Bill Lockyer, the California Treasurer, predicted that the state will be out of money by July, and will have to “delay” paying what’s owed to “school districts, counties, social service providers, vendors,” and other State-dependent agencies.  Lockyer predicts this will force some school districts into bankruptcy.  So, like any financially struggling institution that is too big to fail, they have turned to the federal government.

Lockyer’s request is particularly clever, almost Citibank-like.  He proposes the following: California needs to borrow in order to make up for the shortfall.  It wants to borrow by issuing Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS), which are what they sound like: they sell $X billion in these notes, saying, hey, look, we’re anticipting tax revenue down the road, and we’ll pay you back when this hits.  So investors (banks) buy the notes, expecting that they’ll get paid back what they put in plus interest.  But, as with any investment, there’s a risk involved.  If California defaults, then the banks that they issue the bonds through are left holding the $X billion bag.  They would still be required to pay the bonds off — California isn’t going to file for bankruptcy protection, after all — but no bank wants to take the chance that it will be left holding a multi-billion dollar outstanding debt.  California’s credit rating is the lowest of all 50 states.

So Lockyer has asked Treasury to guarantee California’s borrowing.  If California defaults, he wants Treasury to say, we will step in and buy their debt from you, the banks.  This way, the banks feel confident that they’re going to get paid no matter what, and California will be able to borrow more easily because Treasury has just made them a sure-fire investment.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because it is very, very close to what the intention of the TARP is: Treasury guarantees bad assets, so that banks are more willing to loan money.  Lockyer — and California — are right to say that this is the point of TARP.

Lockyer also argues — again, correctly — that the overall goal of TARP and all its acronymish brethren is to improve financial security and stability in the market overall.  A default by California, or even a major stall in its payments to state agencies, wouldn’t exactly help the nation’s economy.  Please imagine the unequaled BAD of schools staying closed, fire stations shutting down during fire season, mental health centers shuttering, and everyone who works in those places sitting at home, not spending any money.

Now, I’d expect yelling from the right about this.  The governors who have declined (or tried to decline) stimulus spending have all done so standing on the soap box of States’ Rights, which would seem to imply that they believe each state should have to stand on its own.  If California should default, here, then residents of faraway states would end up paying for their debt, at least immediately.  California would still eventually have to pay the government back, but the big outlay necessary to pay off its bank debts would be more money coming out of Treasury and less money that could go toward… well, toward the original goal of the TARP, shoring up banks.

Avocado pictureYet this seems to me a better way to spend that money, or at least a more urgent need.  If California, which is something like the world’s sixth largest economy, has to undertake IMF-levels of austerity in its budget, the impact on the national economy would be dramatic.  This wouldn’t be wilting green shoots: this would be like setting the green shoots on fire and then putting them out by pouring concrete on top.  Hate on Cali all you want, but as it goes, so goes 13 percent of national GDP.

I suddenly feel a need to buy an avocado.  Short of a similar massive national sentiment, the TARP bailout sounds reasonable.  I hope Geithner writes a positive reply to the letter — and soon.

Ten Banks Expected to “Fail” Stress Tests

It’s Stress Test Week!  (Again).  But this time, we’re talking results instead of just, you know, hey, guess what’s happening behind closed doors.  The nation’s 19 largest banks have all seen their results by now, and rumors have been flying since Monday about what, exactly, those results showed.  I thought I’d do a round-up of expectations now, and then come back tomorrow and see how the banks fared in reality.  I’ve waxed on about what the tests mean before.  And I’ve said my faith in Treasury rests largely on the results.  So here it is: judgment day.  Rumor has it, ten banks aren’t expected to pass (which is different than a bank failing outright, because if they don’t pass, they’re given time to raise capital).  Here’s the Top Ten:

Citi logoCitibank is held by Citigroup.  It’s expected to need a major infusion of cash — talk is $10 billion.  Citi apparently appealed the government’s findings.  Just this week, it sold its Japanese finance company, Nikko Cordial, for about $3.4 billion (it bought Nikko in 2008 for around $18B) to raise some much-needed cash.  Citi is largely considered the bell-weather of this test, in that if it’s deemed to “pass,” the rest of the test should be considered a joke.
Current government investment in Citi: ~$45 billion (some in common stock).

Bank of America LogoBank of America is the nation’s largest retail bank, as of last fall when it bought Merrill Lynch — and is also expected to be the bank in the most trouble, since last fall it — hey! — bought Merrill Lynch.  BoA is expected to need a whopping $33.9 billion in additional capital post-test.
Current TARP investment in BoA: ~$45 billion (unless you count the government’s asset guarantees in.  Then we’re talking 45 + $142 billion = $187 billion).

Wells Fargo LogoWells Fargo was considered in prime shape this fall when it bought out troubled Wachovia, and it took money from the TARP — but only under duress.  Now, despite the CEO’s protests that the stress tests are “asinine,” the bank is considered one of the most likely to be under pressure to raise new capital.  Warren Buffet, whose Berkshire Hathaway investment group owns shares of Wells Fargo (and US Bancorp, SunTrust, and BoA) and pushed for the Wachovia takeover, called Wells and US Bancorp “extremely strong banks” Monday.
Current TARP investment: ~$25 billion.

KeyCorp LogoKeyCorp owns the Key Bank franchises.  It’s considered to be widely and heavily exposed in the commerical real-estate market, which is taking some significant hits as businesses suffer during the recession.  Analysts at several research/investment firms have said KeyCorp is quite likely to need to raise additional capital, and it has shown a loss in all of the last four quarters.
Current TARP investment: ~$2.5 billion

Regions FinancialRegions Financial is in about the same boat as KeyCorp.  Oppenheimer analysts said late last month that they expected Regions to fail the stress tests and have to raise more capital.  Regions posted a 92% loss in the first quarter.  Holy mackeral.
Current TARP investment: ~$2.5 Billion

US Bancorp logoUS Bancorp owns U.S. Bank, the sixth largest commercial bank in the country.  It’s not widely expected to need a big capital raise; it cut dividends earlier this year by 88 percent to maintain its capital cushion.  Its CEO also announced late last month that US Bancorp is ready to repay its TARP money as soon as possible.  The bank had a $529 million profit in the first quarter, down significantly from past years but a better showing than expected.
Current TARP investment: $6.6 billion

Fifth Third Bank LogoFifth Third Bancorp is another regional bank expected to need additional capital.  It’s based in Florida, where the burst of the housing bubble is still taking down everything in its path.  Like Regions, were the government to convert its preferred shares to common shares, it would own a majority stake (54 percent) of Fifth Third.  One wonders if that’s enough ownership to induce a name change.
Current TARP investment: $3.4 billion

SunTrust LogoLike Fifth Third, Georgia-based SunTrust is a considered a regional bank likely to be told to get thee more capital, according to a report issued by Mogan Stanley last month.  Then again, Morgan Stanley though BoA fell into a “grey zone” and might not need new capital, so who knows. SunTrust wrote off $610 million in bad loans just in the first quarter this year, and apparently holds a big balance sheet of home mortgage loans in the Southeast.  Last week, a huge Georgia banker’s bank with similar ugly exposure became the fifth largest bank failure this year.  In January, analysts were already predicting SunTrust would need another $2 billion.  They went back for $1B from TARP, so at this point, I’d guess they’ll need at least $1B.
Current TARP investment: ~$5 billion.

PNC LogoPNC Financial Services Group posted a profit last quarter, mostly on the strength of its acquisition of National City — a move that some say gave the bank a needed capital boost.  Analysts at Keefe, Bruyette and Woods say PNC is likely to need more capital despite cutting dividend payments earlier this year.
Current TARP investment: ~$7.5 billion

Capital One logoAnd lucky number 10.  Capital One Financial Group is mentioned with some regularity as a bank expected to need additional capital.  Its exposure is largely in credit cards, and as unemployment rises (in the stress tests, it went over 10 percent) so do expected defaults on credit card payments. 
Current TARP exposure: $3.5 billion

BB&T logoTen banks are expected to have “failed,” or, in the nicer terminology, to need to raise new capital so as to have a nice cushion in case of the economy continuing to decline.  The remaining nine banks are considered variably secure right now, though BB&T is mentioned in several articles as likely to be asked to raise capital, too, and I’m a little surprised that no one thinks GMAC is going to need any further funding.
Current BB&T TARP Investment: ~$3 billion

Current GMAC TARP Investment: $5 billion

The remaining banks (bank holding companies) are:

  • J.P. Morgan Chase.  Current TARP Investment: $25 billion
  • Goldman Sachs Group.  Current TARP Investment: $10 billion
  • Morgan Stanley.  Current TARP Investment: $10 billion
  • State Street Corp.  Current TARP Investment: $2 billion
  • Bank of New York Mellon.  Current TARP Investment: $3 billion
  • American Express Co.  Current TARP Investment: ~$3.4 billion
  • MetLife.  No TARP Investment.

Well, so, let’s see what happens now.

Small Wonder: A Terrible Day for Tim Geithner

Felix Salmon had a nice post today suggesting that major U.S. banks holding Chrysler’s debt are willing to let the company go into bankruptcy instead of taking a haircut on their debt in part because there’s no real way the public could think less of them.  Being the automatic villain gives one a certain freedom to be horrible, and J.P. Morgan Chase and friends certainly find themselves there.

What this made me wonder is, at what point will Tim Geithner hit the so-hated-he-can-do-whatever stage?

I mean, this has been a totally sucky week to be Geithner.  Consider he went into the weekend with Paul Krugman’s “it’s gonna get so much worse” column and Rachel Maddow having invited the “Hey Paul Krugman” singer onto her show (for the 5 people who hadn’t already heard him sing, “Timothy Geithner, he’s like some little weasel,” via the Internet).  Yesterday, he had the hey-guys, cut-your-budgets Cabinet meeting (check out the body language here, too — that’s Geithner slumped next to Biden).  At this point, I’m not sure the man could buy friends (though I have no doubt at least one commenter will say he’s tried).  Just take the last 24 hours:

  • The Special Inspector General issued his report, which initially made news for saying that, contrary to the Secretary’s earlier assertions, firms who wanted to participate on either side of the Public-Private Investment Partnerships would be subject to compensation limits.
  • Then it made news because, at The Economist, that sounds like the end of the PPIP.
  • Then it made news because there are already 20 fraud cases being investigated.
  • Then Felix Salmon pointed out that, within the report, there’s open speculation that it could encourage out-right criminal organization money-laundering schemes.
  • The IMF also released its Global Financial Stability Report today, and said that bank losses are over $4 trillion, with more than half of that originating in the U.S.  Oh, and we’re going to need substantial additional investment to recapitalize banks, and may need to nationalize some at least temporarily.  And soon.
  • All of this before the real fun started: Geithner testified before Elizabeth Warren’s Congressional Oversight Panel.  You may remember her as the woman who made Jon Stewart feel better last week, or the one who released the highly critical — and commendable, at that — report on the Treasury’s plans so far.  Wanna guess how that meeting went down?  Let Andrew Leonard summarize:

The pattern is now sufficiently well established to be definitive. The treasury secretary appears before a congressional committee, and is asked tough, detailed questions by members of both parties. He invariably compliments and thanks the questioner for a “thoughtful” and “important” question, and then proceeds to answer in vague generalities, rarely committing himself to specifics.

I’ve watched or pored over the transcripts of almost all of Geithner’s testimony before Congress, and it’s getting harder and harder to make a case in defense of his brief tenure. Tuesday’s hearing, before the Congressional Oversight Panel empowered by Congress to watch over the TARP program, ranks as one of his least satisfying performances so far. 

(I would say it was sort of like watching the robot from Small Wonder face off with Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter — you start off rooting for both sides, but by the end, you just want McGonagall to put the robot out of her repetitve, wide-eyed misery).

  • The stock market did rally a bit over Geithner’s assertion that “the vast majority of banks have more capital than they need to be considered well capitalized by their regulators.”  That sounds like great news, until you realize he never said that (he skipped those pages, somewhat dramatically, in his testimony).
  • Also, even if he had said that, it was meaningless and earned, again, bafflement and concern (and use of the word “ominous” in the first paragraph) from Paul Krugman.
  • Finally, The Wall Street Journal ran an interview with Geithner (“Geithner Weighs Bank Repayments“) where he said he’s considering whether to let banks repay their TARP debt early or not.
  • Finance blogger Nemo and a reader point out that, no, he can’t do that — he has to let banks pay the money back whenever they want to.  Strike… what? 56 or so? for Geithner.

It’s those last two points that bring us to the importance of the villain question.  The two banks currently talking about repayment are Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase.  Paying back TARP funds would free these two from compensation limits — present and looming — and also make them look strong and solvent.  JPMC CEO Jamie Dimon has called TARP assistance a “scarlet letter,” and he’s looking to shed it as quickly as possible.  This would possibly inspire further investment in these banks and certainly encourage concentration of power into their hands.

Which is partly why the Treasury Department isn’t keen on just letting them repay so quickly.  Banks shedding TARP funds could make other banks want to jump ship — banks whose life-vests aren’t properly inflated.  So you could see Bank of America trying to pay back TARP, and either failing after payback, or failing to payback at all — and either way looking so weak as to inspire (who thought it was possible) less confidence than even now.  Which would, of course, benefit those who do survive the leap — probably a big part of the JPMC/Goldman dream right now.

In fact, the only reason that a firm wouldn’t leave TARP right now is a desire NOT to piss off the U.S. Treasury Department.  It’s in their individual interests to run, even while it might be in the interest of the entire system for them to stay a while.  So let me ask you this: Is Tim Geithner someone you’d want mad at you?  Does a real villain lurk somewhere within the Small Wonder facade, just waiting for the day when it no longer matters what Wall Street thinks — and if so, was today that day?  Does he have enough power, inside or out of the Treasury, to make things more uncomfortable for these banks than they already are?

My guess?  If there’s pressure to be brought to bear, it will have to be done by the President — and if that’s the case, Geithner’s days at the grown-up table are going to be limited.

New Treasury Plan: This Ain’t Yo’ Momma’s TARP

Treasury officials are considering a new plan, the New York Times reports, to help banks recapitalize: they’d convert their current loans into common stock in the bank, which would translate to actual equity and, perhaps, the accompanying power that comes with being a shareholder.  This would include some power to decide who stays on the board and, yes, would probably be a big step toward nationalization — all without having to ask Congress for any additional money.

The problem is that, for at least some of these banks, we’d be converting not just loans, as the Times leads with, but preferred stock into common stock.  One stock for another? Paul Krugman was quick to call the plan baffling, and he came up with this analogy:

Here’s how I think about it: you started a business with a bunch of borrowed money, but of course had to put some of your own money in. Now, actually some of the money you put in was borrowed from your mother, but the original lenders don’t care about that, since they have prior claim.

Eventually you run into some business difficulties, and your creditworthiness is in doubt — which in turn is making it hard for you to do business. What you need is evidence of ability to repay the money you already owe.

So does it help if your mother converts her loan into a share of the business? Not really, because she won’t get repaid anyway unless all your other creditors get paid first. So the terms of her agreement with you don’t affect their prospects of payment.

And in this case, the TARP is your mother.

OK.  But I think it actually would help me, as a business, survive — and would certainly increase the confidence lenders had in me — if my mother happened to have a GDP of $14 trillion when she became an official part-owner of my business.


If that seems too cute by far, Felix Salmon likes the new plan, too, and says it in actual econo-speak.  I’ll try and translate, but he’s speaking pretty plain English, too (this is me suggesting you scoot over and read him; he’s very good).  Essentially, whether you like the new suggestion or not depends on how you looked at the original preferred stock plan.  If, like Krugman, you considered preferred stock to come with equity, then this plan makes very little sense — it’s a swap of what we have for what we have, only with increased risk of losing everything.  But Salmon makes the argument that preferred shares didn’t automatically confer ownership in the same way that common stock does, which seems to be generally true of preferred stock.  Preferred stockholders are exactly that — preferred — in the case of bankruptcy.  They (usually) get their money back just after bondholders, and certainly always before common stock holders.  In exchange, preferred stock usually doesn’t come with voting rights, and isn’t usually as profitable in the long term as common stock.

The glass-half-empty way to look at this is that, if any of the nation’s 19 largest banks go under, we’re trading stock that would have guaranteed us at least some of our money back for stock where we could very well and easily lose everything.

Glass half full?  We’re trading stock that gave us no say-so for stock that lets us start cleaning house, at least in a few places, and if we really get the house cleaned, we have a better chance of turning a profit.

I’ll just be over here drinking the rest of the glass.  Now that TARP is my mother, I assume my inheritance is going to be huge.